DM: If I were the Dungeon Master in a linear game like this, this is exactly the kind of practical joke I would pull on the players. I would like to thank GK for his support on the creation of Fantasy Folly. If you haven't seen it already, GK also has a comic based on a message board called "
Game Kid's Dragon Cave."
GK: DM was in a slump. He had much work to do and couldn't get the comic going. So I took it into my hands and started making this comic… However the rock throw wasn't so good. And all though the Idea was good, The final pun could have been better. Thus DM came in, Redid the rock throw, added in corny puns and a punch line and made this comic work. Let's face it, he's just better at this than I am.
Comment From 'Krug' (Admin to Dragons Cave and one of our Readers):