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Well if you still don't know what Fantasy Folly is, or if you can't see the First Comic, I'll tell you right here:

Fantasy Folly is a comic dealing with RPG's. Such RPG's are Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, and others. However, we have broken the line that keeps one RPG out of another. With this line down, RPG's are mix into one, thus the comic of Fantasy Folly. Also, we are those who go around the web and get all those Funny gif/ jpg of game characters we like. But really, what use have we for them? A comic! Fantasy Folly was what we did with them all. And we would like to thank www.rpgsprites.com, www.rpgicons.com, and all others who were on the web and gave us these wonderful gif/ jpg so that we could use them. All sprites used are property of square soft and other places who games we have taken their charters.

Now to get something out of the way.See this knight? That's his name. Knight. He is our starting Charter. Some of you know who he really is. That's ok, but in this comic he is Knight.

Knight will not be the only one to join the group. We are picking one charter from Each Different RPG's to join him and his quest. What's his quest? Now why would I tell you that? Go ahead and read the comic. Start from the first and see how knight is doing.

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